Tech Works collaborates with FGI to provide updates and clarifications on changes for Outpatient Clinics


Draft 2026 FGI documents for design and construction of hospitals; outpatient facilities; and residential health, care, and support facilities is now available.

“There continues to be confusion between the mandatory requirements and advisory language in the current editions of the documents,” says FGI CEO Heather Livingston. “Separating the two types of content will clarify the distinction to users. The clear separation of code requirements from guidance, coupled with expanded information in the handbooks, will strengthen understanding and application of the requirements in the FGI documents.”

Specific revisions in FGI Facility Code for Outpatient Settings

  • New title: FGI Facility Code for Outpatient Settings
  • New chapter added for sleep disorder clinics
  • New chapter added for short stay centers
  • Relocated behavioral and mental health crisis centers from the freestanding emergency department chapter to its own chapter
  • Clarification that spaces for clean supplies can be either rooms or areas when supported by the functional program and ICRA

Tech Works Guide to Proposed 2026 FGI Nurse Call Function Locations in Outpatient Facilities

We created a guide to help navigate the different Nurse Call needs to meet the new draft FGI requirements. These recommendations are Tech Works opinion based on our experience. All products shown are UL1069 compliant for use in Outpatient Medical Clinics.

About the Facility Guidelines Institute

Founded in 1998, the Facility Guidelines Institute is a not-for-profit corporation founded to provide leadership and continuity to the Guidelines/FGI Facility Code revision process. FGI functions as the coordinating entity for development of the Guidelines/FGI Facility Code documents using a multidisciplinary, consensus-based process and for provision of ancillary services that encourage and improve their application and use.

About the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction/FGI Facility Code Documents

The FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction/FGI Facility Code documents are updated every four years to keep pace with new concepts, capabilities, and technologies in the delivery of health and residential care. The Guidelines/FGI Facility Code documents are used by states, through adoption by reference, to regulate health and residential care facility design and construction. FGI relies on revenue from sales of the documents to fund research and the activities of the HGRC for the next revision cycle. The Guidelines/FGI Facility Code documents are protected by copyright and authorized licenses and paperbacks are available exclusively at